Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an intricate system of working with our surroundings to bring harmony and prosperity to our lives. This practice comes from China and dates back approximately 5000 years. Feng Shui can be applied to a home, office or property. The art of Feng Shui recognizes that the buildings we live and work in and the land we live on can have a profound influence on our lives for good or ill. Feng Shui can initiate positive changes and personal growth for the occupants. Chi is the life force energy that is inside of us and is all around us in nature. We want to invite this life force energy into our homes thus inviting health and prosperity to our lives. A building’s layout, placement of furniture, and clutter can affect how chi flows within the building. Past events such as foreclosure or the divorce of previous residents can also have an effect on the chi flow of the property. As a Feng Shui Practitioner I am concerned with how chi flows through a building and with the chi of the earth around that building.
During a Feng Shui consultation I meet with the client and assess the property. I then provide recommendations to correct any problems found during the assessment. Most of the time the problems I find with the property directly corresponds to issues in the client’s life.  Feng Shui recognizes that our homes are a mirror for every aspect of our lives and provides a way to work with this mirror. For example if your front door is difficult to find, opportunities that may enrich your life financially and socially will not be able to find you. Feng Shui recommendations can be anything from the placement of furniture, to using mirrors, crystals, plants, color, clearing clutter, or space clearing ceremonies.
Feng Shui teaches us that change is the only constant in life. The balance and harmony created by Feng Shui helps life move smoothly and lends support when changes come our way. Feng Shui helps with: financial issues, relationship issues, career, legal problems, selling or buying a home, and creating a relaxing, nurturing and beautiful home. Applying Feng Shui to our homes is like a prayer asking that our lives be in alignment with our destiny and highest good.
Every person and every building is different, each bringing their unique background, karma and experience to the situation. This creates a one-size-does-not-ever-fit-all situation; there are always many different ways to apply Feng Shui. The art of Feng Shui is knowing how to apply the science in any given situation. What a client might need and what is really going on is not always visible. My intention is to be clear that my intuition is connected with true guidance and the highest good of the person and the place.

Megan Montero

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