Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Benefits of Space Clearing Ceremonies

Annie and Mike had lived in their house for over a year when Annie contacted me for a Feng Shui consultation because the previous tenant, Marsha, was harassing them. Marsha had lived there for seven years until she was evicted for removing all of the windows. Before moving in, the landlord put the windows back in, painted the walls and put in new carpet. Good as new, right? 

From the Feng Shui perspective the unseen energy left by the previous occupants can have a drastic effect on the lives of future residents. This ‘predecessor energy’ will have the biggest impact if the predecessors have been through something like a divorce, a health crisis, a bankruptcy or if they were emotionally unstable, as in this case. Clearing this energy is necessary so the current occupants can have a clean slate from which to live their lives. 
After Annie and Mike moved in, Marsha would find them at their work and ask about ‘her’ plants and her dog, which was buried in the yard, often inconveniencing Annie’s checkout line with her questions. Marsha would regularly drive by the house to see if Annie and Mike were away. Once she dug up two plants from the yard; two months later she took a tall bush.  Annie and Mike’s stress had been mounting and Marsha’s plant theft was the last straw.

The first priority in Annie and Mike’s case was to clear Marsha’s unstable predecessor energy. I conducted two Feng Shui space clearing ceremonies to remove the hold Marsha’s energy had on their home and lives. I also suggested several Feng Shui solutions to correct the energy flow of the house. We were amazed to see how the Feng Shui and space clearing affected their lives.
Right after the space clearing ceremonies Mike felt so good in the house he began to spend time at home relaxing and he started playing the guitar again. The next day, roofers unexpectedly came to put on a new roof. This was a miracle because the landlord had been promising a new roof since they moved in. This was frustrating to my clients because the landlord would not paint the house until the roof was done, and the house had big patches of different color paint. The roofers brought a dumpster for the old roof and Annie got permission from the landlord to put in it all the junk that Marsha had left on the property. The landlord was shockingly helpful after his unreliable history. A week after our Feng Shui appointment the painters arrived to paint the house and the landlord even consulted them on what color to paint the house.
The best change of all was that Marsha stopped harassing them, she moved on with her life leaving Annie and Mike to move on with theirs. Names and identifying information have been changed for the purpose of confidentiality.

Megan Montero

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