Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have been changing my relationship with my possessions and taking stock of what has value and meaning for me. I have discovered that my relationships and my work are the most meaningful parts of my life. Recognizing this is helping me pare down my material objects in an effort to simplify. In general I have been looking at how to do things more simply so I can have more time for what is meaningful.

The more I deepen my spiritual practice the more I can feel the hold my possessions have on me. The more I let go of things and work towards having space in my home for the chi to flow, the clearer my mind is and the more room there is in my heart to connect.  It is easier to do the work I am here to do.

I have been observing how having “things” requires time to take care of them. From the Feng Shui perspective it is important that we take the time necessary for the upkeep of our home and possessions. Keeping our home clean, clutter free and our possessions in good working order will help us lead healthier more prosperous lives.

Most people lead very busy lives and find they have little time to take care of their home. Usually the amount of things people have is much more than what they have time to take care of or have the room for.  This kind of relationship with home can interfere with the flow of our lives.

I often think the best thing I can do for my clients is to suggest the book, Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui, by Karen Kingston. This is such an inspiring book that will help you to see your stuff in a new way and will guide you through the process of letting go of what is no longer serving you.  I suggest reading it at least once a year because this is an ongoing process. If doing it alone feels overwhelming, call a professional organizer to help you. I recommend Shannon McGinnis at Organized 4 Success.

I feel that nature is asking us to take a look at the impact our lives have on the earth and all of life. It is time to re-evaluate what truly has meaning and value in our lives. This consciousness can start at home and will have as impact on the greater whole. Go through your drawers and closets with a new perspective and see if there is anything you are ready to let go of. Question everything to see if it has a use or makes you feel good in some way. Make each "thing" you keep a conscious choice. If something does not lift your chi, let it go.  Apply this perspective to how you spend your money and how you spend your time. Working with your home in this way will make your home a sacred space that will support you in your work and life.

For a phone or on site Feng Shui Consultation with Megan call (831) 588-5424
visit Megan's website at www.windandwaterblessings.com

Feng Shui For Real Estate

           Are you trying to sell your home? Are you wondering if it will ever sell? Applying Feng Shui to your property can increase your chances of a sale and help the process run smoothly. Feng Shui will help your property stand out and can correct energies that may be keeping buyers away.
            Feng Shui teaches us that our homes directly correlate with what is happening in our lives. When we change things in our home it can change things in our life. Some floor plans and inauspicious events like a suicide, bankruptcy or divorce can create negative energies that could keep prospective buyers away.
            One of my clients describes it best how Feng Shui can help sell a property, “My wife and I have bought and sold seven houses over the years, and working with Megan Montero brought about the easiest, quickest sale of a home ever. Our home had been on the market with little movement in a depressed market. We decided to work with Megan to make our home more appealing to prospective buyers. Through her work and completing the recommendations prescribed, we received an offer shortly for a cash purchase and a two-week closing. When we balked at the quickness of the closing (We had hoped 2 months), the buyer said that we could stay in our home rent-free for 2 and half months. The buyer did not ask for any concessions on our part.” 
Feng Shui tips that will help you find a buyer:
  • Work on the entrance to the building. It will be difficult for the Chi that brings opportunities and your new buyer to find you if the front door is hard to locate. Flags, lights, painting the door red and plants in colorful pots are ways to invite the Chi to your door. If your eye is attracted to the front door, so will the opportunities and your prospective buyers. Do not crowd the space around the door, make sure it is easy to get to and that it can open all the way. Keep the entrance clean and the landscaping looking healthy.
  • Clear your clutter. Really go through your stuff and let it go. You want flow and space in your rooms, around the furniture and in the closets. Flow equals wealth, opportunities and the right buyer.
  • Do whatever you can to emotionally let go of your property. One of my clients was very sad about leaving his home of 20 years even though his new home was beautiful and on the water. He was holding onto it emotionally and the home was not selling. Once he said goodbye to the old home and acknowledged his excitement about his new home, he immediately received a good offer and his home sold! 
Applying these Feng Shui tips may be all the help you need to get your property sold. If you are really motivated to sell your property, call me for a thorough Feng Shui evaluation.
 (831)-588-5424. Visit Megan’s website at www.windandwaterblessing.com