Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Little Change Produces Big Results

In my previous post I discussed the bagua map and how it relates our physical environment to different areas of our personal life. One of these areas is called, Helpful People and Travel and relates to our relationship with being a helpful person, having helpful people in our lives and to travel.  

Mary is a massage practitioner who contacted me for a Feng Shui consultation. She had been volunteering her massage services to people with cancer and these clients were continually canceling at the last minute or simply not showing up for the appointment. Mary loved being a helpful person by offering massage work in this way, but she was feeling frustrated with the lack of consideration for her time. The beauty in giving was becoming a burden.           

Mary lives in a small cottage that she loves and keeps it in good order. Her home has only one closet so she creatively made a closet for her broom, vacuum and other household items by using a screen next to the refrigerator. Because there really was not enough room for it, the screen was disrupting the flow of energy coming in from her front door and it created a block in the Helpful People and Travel area of her home. The position of Mary’s makeshift closet directly corresponded to her trouble with clients canceling and not showing up for appointments. I suggested that she remove her screened closet and get more creative about finding homes for these essential household items.

The results of this small change were profound and beautiful. Mary’s massage clients stopped canceling and not showing up. Mary also experienced an unexpected shift in the area of her life related to helpful people and travel. About a month after removing the screen she took a volunteer position with a nonprofit magazine published by her spiritual community. What began as a small job helping the subscriptions manager eventually grew into a creative position writing articles and interviewing people. Mary discovered that she has a gift for this type of work and she has found great joy interviewing people and writing. An added bonus to her job is the magazine paid her expenses to be a part of an important magazine meeting out of the country. The meeting was held at a place where many people in her community have been and she had always felt a longing to visit but thought she would never be able to afford to go there.  And now she was going all expenses paid! It was a huge gift and really a dream come true for her. The most recent development with her job is she was given a stipend for her work on the last issue of the magazine.

Mary’s experience with moving her makeshift closet is a profound example of how one small change in your home can bring about a positive change in your life that can continue to grow and change for the better over time.

Megan Montero

The Benefits of Space Clearing Ceremonies

Annie and Mike had lived in their house for over a year when Annie contacted me for a Feng Shui consultation because the previous tenant, Marsha, was harassing them. Marsha had lived there for seven years until she was evicted for removing all of the windows. Before moving in, the landlord put the windows back in, painted the walls and put in new carpet. Good as new, right? 

From the Feng Shui perspective the unseen energy left by the previous occupants can have a drastic effect on the lives of future residents. This ‘predecessor energy’ will have the biggest impact if the predecessors have been through something like a divorce, a health crisis, a bankruptcy or if they were emotionally unstable, as in this case. Clearing this energy is necessary so the current occupants can have a clean slate from which to live their lives. 
After Annie and Mike moved in, Marsha would find them at their work and ask about ‘her’ plants and her dog, which was buried in the yard, often inconveniencing Annie’s checkout line with her questions. Marsha would regularly drive by the house to see if Annie and Mike were away. Once she dug up two plants from the yard; two months later she took a tall bush.  Annie and Mike’s stress had been mounting and Marsha’s plant theft was the last straw.

The first priority in Annie and Mike’s case was to clear Marsha’s unstable predecessor energy. I conducted two Feng Shui space clearing ceremonies to remove the hold Marsha’s energy had on their home and lives. I also suggested several Feng Shui solutions to correct the energy flow of the house. We were amazed to see how the Feng Shui and space clearing affected their lives.
Right after the space clearing ceremonies Mike felt so good in the house he began to spend time at home relaxing and he started playing the guitar again. The next day, roofers unexpectedly came to put on a new roof. This was a miracle because the landlord had been promising a new roof since they moved in. This was frustrating to my clients because the landlord would not paint the house until the roof was done, and the house had big patches of different color paint. The roofers brought a dumpster for the old roof and Annie got permission from the landlord to put in it all the junk that Marsha had left on the property. The landlord was shockingly helpful after his unreliable history. A week after our Feng Shui appointment the painters arrived to paint the house and the landlord even consulted them on what color to paint the house.
The best change of all was that Marsha stopped harassing them, she moved on with her life leaving Annie and Mike to move on with theirs. Names and identifying information have been changed for the purpose of confidentiality.

Megan Montero

Clutter Clearing From The Feng Shui Perspective

Clutter is anything that no longer serves a purpose in our lives. Clutter can even be things we love if they are scattered around and unorganized. Is your desk piled high with papers that need to be filed or thrown out? Is your closet so crammed with clothes that you can’t find anything? Do you have a room where you throw everything you don’t know what to do with?  If you answered yes to these questions then you could benefit from some clutter clearing.
When I do a Feng Shui consultation, the first thing I look for is clutter. We are connected energetically to everything we own. Having a house full of junk or objects that we have negative emotional connections to, can hold us back from living full lives. Clutter creates energy blockages in our homes. Have you ever noticed how overwhelming it feels to be in a home that is filled with clutter? My clients who have clutter feel overwhelmed, stuck, and their lives are either chaotic or at a standstill. After they clear their clutter they are amazed at the movement and opportunities in their lives.

Clutter clearing guidelines:
·     Are you keeping things that serve no purpose in your life? Keep only things that you absolutely love and find useful.
·     Ask, “Why am I keeping this? Is it worth it to maintain this?”
·     Do you have possessions that bring up things about the past that are better left behind?
Go through your things and decide what you are ready to let go of. It may not sound like fun but clearing clutter can feel really good. Once you get rid of your clutter the weight of this burden will be lifted and you may want to get rid of more stuff. It’s easy to get stuck thinking that there are more important things to do then going through your stuff. Taking the time to go through your things will actually create more time for life in the future. Start with one drawer at a time if it is too overwhelming or enlist the help of a Feng Shui professional to guide you through the process. I have found that it is even more effective when my clients clear their clutter in conjunction with Feng Shui space clearing ceremonies because the unseen energy created by clutter can thwart your best efforts to get rid of things and keep them clear.
Clearing clutter is a process of letting go that often happens in layers. Things we are not ready to let go of today, we may be ready to let go of tomorrow. Our society tells us that the more we have the happier we will be. The truth is that most people find having less is more and having more is a burden. The more conscious we make our choices about what we buy and keep, the better we will feel. Keep carving out time to go through your stuff, you will be surprised at the changes it brings.

Megan Montero

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an intricate system of working with our surroundings to bring harmony and prosperity to our lives. This practice comes from China and dates back approximately 5000 years. Feng Shui can be applied to a home, office or property. The art of Feng Shui recognizes that the buildings we live and work in and the land we live on can have a profound influence on our lives for good or ill. Feng Shui can initiate positive changes and personal growth for the occupants. Chi is the life force energy that is inside of us and is all around us in nature. We want to invite this life force energy into our homes thus inviting health and prosperity to our lives. A building’s layout, placement of furniture, and clutter can affect how chi flows within the building. Past events such as foreclosure or the divorce of previous residents can also have an effect on the chi flow of the property. As a Feng Shui Practitioner I am concerned with how chi flows through a building and with the chi of the earth around that building.
During a Feng Shui consultation I meet with the client and assess the property. I then provide recommendations to correct any problems found during the assessment. Most of the time the problems I find with the property directly corresponds to issues in the client’s life.  Feng Shui recognizes that our homes are a mirror for every aspect of our lives and provides a way to work with this mirror. For example if your front door is difficult to find, opportunities that may enrich your life financially and socially will not be able to find you. Feng Shui recommendations can be anything from the placement of furniture, to using mirrors, crystals, plants, color, clearing clutter, or space clearing ceremonies.
Feng Shui teaches us that change is the only constant in life. The balance and harmony created by Feng Shui helps life move smoothly and lends support when changes come our way. Feng Shui helps with: financial issues, relationship issues, career, legal problems, selling or buying a home, and creating a relaxing, nurturing and beautiful home. Applying Feng Shui to our homes is like a prayer asking that our lives be in alignment with our destiny and highest good.
Every person and every building is different, each bringing their unique background, karma and experience to the situation. This creates a one-size-does-not-ever-fit-all situation; there are always many different ways to apply Feng Shui. The art of Feng Shui is knowing how to apply the science in any given situation. What a client might need and what is really going on is not always visible. My intention is to be clear that my intuition is connected with true guidance and the highest good of the person and the place.

Megan Montero