Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Chinese Lunar New Year 2014 (Cycles of Chi Newsletter, January 2014)

Happy New Year! I hope 2014 as been good to you so far.

The Chinese Lunar New Year begins on January 31, 2014. From the perspective of Chinese astrology this is the year of the Wood Horse. I am just a beginner of Chinese astrology but I look forward to deepening my understanding of this fun and helpful system. There are many good resources to learn about your Chinese animal zodiac sign and what challenges and blessings the coming Horse year may present for you. If this peeks your interest, I encourage you to seek them out and learn about this fun area of learning. I am also happy to share with you what I have learned from my Feng Shui teacher, Jetsun Ma, about your Chinese astrology for the Horse year and how you can best support yourself through this coming year.

No matter what your Chinese zodiac sign is, working with the energies of the Chinese Lunar New Year will help you to meet the challenges and blessings of this year with more strength and support. From a lunar perspective this is a new beginning with the new moon on January 30th 1:38 pm PST, the eve of the Chinese New Year. This is a powerful time to set intentions for the coming year. I encourage you to find some way, big or small, to take advantage of this energetic opportunity for change and transformation. My recommendation is to begin this new cycle through purifying the chi of the old year and welcoming the auspicious chi of the new Horse year.

From the perspective of BTB Feng Shui, you can achieve this through space clearing the energy of your interior environment, and by performing spiritual purification methods for your personal chi. If you already know the Orange Peel Ceremony and the Golden Cicada Shedding its Shell this is a reminder to perform these transcendental solutions ideally on the eve of the Chinese lunar new year, otherwise on an auspicious day. If you would like to learn the Orange Peel Ceremony and the Golden Cicada I am happy to teach these sacred solutions and others to you either by phone or at my office.

The Orange Peel Ceremony cleanses away negative or unhealthy chi in your environment and fills your space with auspiciousness and good luck preparing you for the New Year.  
The Golden Cicada Shedding its Shell is for your chi, for personal transformation.

Perhaps you have already been clearing the clutter in your house with intention to make a good start for 2014. Clearing clutter is always a good way to support a new beginning and it is never to late to begin! 

Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

Megan Montero

Feng Shui Tip: Clear Pathways

Keep pathways clear and make sure every door can open fully so the chi can flow and nourish your life!  When doors can't be opened because they are obstructed by clutter this will inhibit the flow of chi creating blocks and stagnation.

Megan Montero

Feng Shui Tip: Auspicious Days

I suggest that you implement your Feng Shui adjustments and perform transcendental solutions, including purification ceremonies, on an auspicious day. My Feng Shui teacher, Jetsun Ma Master Teacher Ho Lynn, founder of the Yuan Yuan Educational Foundation has created an auspicious days calendar with this purpose in mind. Click Here to learn more about the 2014 Auspicious Days Calendar and how to order your own. 

Megan Montero

Plant Spirit Medicine- Healing for the Spirit

Plant Spirit Medicine as taught by Eliot Cowan is the synthesis of Chinese Five Element Medicine and a shamanic way of working with plants.  Plant Spirit Medicine (PSM) is a form of spiritual healing that aligns our lives with the healing wisdom of nature.  This alignment with nature brings balance and harmony to our lives.  Plants are more than substances taken as food or medicine.  Plants have a spirit and spirit is recognized as the strongest medicine. 

In Plant Spirit Medicine we pay particular attention to the cycles of life, the seasons and the elements of nature.  As humans we are intimately connected to this wisdom, it lives inside our body, mind and spirit.  The Five Element Medicine approach gives a grounded way of diagnosing these energies in a person enabling us to find the source of their imbalance and a way to guide treatment.  Through relationship and exchange the Plant Spirits help our patients at the root of their imbalance.

Connecting with plants is the heart of PSM. We do not learn of their healing properties in books or ask our teacher what medicine a plant has to offer.  We learn about the plants through our intimate relationship with them. We connect directly to the spirit of a plant in the dream world and ask what medicine it has to offer our people.  Sometimes a plant will even ask for something in exchange for offering its medicine.  A plant may offer me a particular kind of help for my patients and offer something totally different to my colleagues.  The medicine offered is almost always for a person’s spirit, not the body.  Treating the spirit will affect the whole body, mind and spirit.  During a PSM treatment we call directly on the plant spirits to come through our hands to help the patient. 

My personal experience receiving Plant Spirit Medicine has been profound and I continue to receive this medicine even after 8 years. The healing and support I receive continues to deepen over time.  My personal transformation inspired me to train as a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer.  I feel passionate about this medicine and feel a devotion to helping others.  It takes dedication, hard work and on going training to be an effective healer.  For a patient, it requires trust, patience and a commitment to on-going treatment to truly receive the depth of what PSM has to offer.  In our culture we want quick, fast, easy results.  Plant Spirit Medicine is deep, steady and subtle but results are profound and maintained.  For those of us who have made this commitment we are so deeply touched, transformed and forever grateful. We have experienced the beauty of how Plant Spirit Medicine has changed our lives and those of our families, friends and clients. Plant Spirit Medicine has brought joy to our hearts, the sparkle back to life and made it possible for us to live our lives more fully.  We feel love and connection to nature, the divine and our fellow human beings.

Megan Montero is a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer with a healing practice in Santa Cruz.  She graduated from Eliot Cowan’s Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner Training in 2008 and continues to train with Mr. Cowan.  Megan is also a Feng Shui Consultant working in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay area.  To learn more about Plant Spirit Medicine you can read Eliot Cowan’s book, Plant Spirit Medicine or contact Megan at 831-588-5424.  For more information about Megan and her healing practice visit her website windandwaterblessings.com.