Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Going Deeper With Feng Shui~Journey Through Your Home and Life Through the Eyes of the Bagua. Feng Shui Course Starts 9/28/14

Are you feeling stuck and looking for positive change and balance in your life?

Have you been longing for healthy relationships? Advancement in your career? Improvement with your finances?

Are you interested in learning how to apply Feng Shui to your own home for the benefit of your whole family?

Have you already had a Feng Shui consultation and now would like to take your Feng Shui to the next level?

The Feng Shui of our home affects our health and well-being, our prosperity, relationships, career and the overall harmony and balance of life. Good Feng Shui will promote a healthy flow of positive energy in your life. Learn how to apply Feng Shui to your home in this fun and supportive class!

Going Deeper with Feng Shui
Journey Through Your Home and Life through the Eyes of the Bagua
Feng Shui Course Meets Six times from September-March
 Begins September 28th, 2014 11:00am-1:00pm
Sign up now, space is limited to six participants so you can learn from each others’ floor plans and to ensure time to address your questions.

You will learn how to apply Feng Shui to your own home to improve the quality of your life, support your life goals, initiate personal growth and allow your life to flow more smoothly, even during the most challenging times. Feng Shui is like a prayer supporting us so that our lives are in alignment with our highest good. I will teach you how making small changes in your living space will initiate positive changes in your life.

You do not need to have any prior Feng Shui knowledge to be in this class. Even if you have already had a Feng Shui consultation with me or another practitioner, this class is designed so that you will be able to take your learning and the application of the principles to create the next level of well-being and success.

The Bagua is an ancient map that shows the relationship of different aspects of our life (relationships, career, prosperity, reputation, health etc.) to different areas in our home.  Learning to work with the Bagua is the emphasis of this class.
You will learn:
·      How to apply the Bagua to your home, room or property and to enhance the bagua for positive changes.
·      Feng Shui adjustments, transcendental solutions, space clearing and blessings that you can apply to improve your unique situation on an ongoing basis as your life changes.
·      Method of Minor Additions, Three Secrets Reinforcements, 5 Element Theory

I will review your unique floor plan as part of this class to ensure the bagua is applied correctly and to deepen everyone’s learning.  I will teach you how to apply Feng Shui to make improvements in your environment and in your life. At each class I will give you assignments to apply to your home before the next class. This will help you to deepen your understanding, give you a hands-on Feng Shui experience and support you to make positive changes in your life.

Cost: Early bird special $225. After 9/3/14- $275
*Plus 9 Red envelopes with a minimum of $1 in each per class. Please bring the red envelopes to class, I will send you details and instructions on the red envelope tradition when you register.

Location: Location in Santa Cruz TBA

To Register: Sign up now by contacting Megan at 831-588-5424 or megan@windandwaterblessings.com and send your payment to Megan Montero, 515 Woodrow, Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95060 to reserve your spot in this class.  Space is limited to six participants to give you one-on-one attention.

Registration Deadline: September 22cnd.
Dates: Class meets on Sundays from 11:00am-1:00 pm
1.September 28th th
2. November 16th
3. December 14th
4. January 25th, 2015
5. February 22st, 2015
6. March 15th, 2015

Megan Montero is a Feng Shui Consultant who has been practicing in Santa Cruz since 2007. Megan trained in Black Sect Feng Shui with Francine Peterson, Carol Bridges and Jetsun Ma, Master Teacher Ho Lynn.  In addition to her Feng Shui work, Megan is a Weather Worker in the Nahua tradition and a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer. To learn more about Megan’s services visit her website www.windandwaterblessings.com or call Megan at (831)588-5424.

The Bagua: Our Life Reflects our Home.

Did you know there is a place in your home related to your health? Your finances? Even your reputation?  Every aspect of our life corresponds to a place in our home.  Our lives mirror our home and our home reflects our personal strengths and weaknesses. Our best efforts at moving forward in life may be thwarted because our living space can hold us in a pattern we are trying to change. For example, if your deepest longing is to find your life partner and the area of your home related to marriage is missing because of the shape of your home, the lack of marriage chi will interfere with your intention to be in a fulfilling relationship. Adjusting the Feng Shui of your living space can support you in changing long standing personal issues and help you move toward your goals.

The bagua is a map that shows how our physical environment corresponds with different aspects of our life; Career, Self Knowledge, Family, Wealth, Reputation, Relationship, Creative Projects, Helpful People and Health.  The bagua can be applied to a building, site or room to reveal the areas of strength and weakness of the space. Adjusting the chi can correct the imbalances in the space and strengthen the corresponding life area.  Bathrooms, fireplaces, and clutter in certain areas of the bagua can have a negative effect.  Would you want to keep all of your clutter if you knew it was in your Wealth area inhibiting your prosperity?

If your house is an irregular shape and you apply the bagua to your space then it may reveal that part of the bagua is actually outside your house, indicating that you are missing that area of the bagua.  This was the case in the earlier example. Or you may find that part of your house is outside the bagua indicating an area of the bagua is enhanced. Missing any area of the bagua will correspond with having a lack of vitality and support in the corresponding area of your life because the chi is missing in the home. Missing areas can be corrected without having to remodel and any area of the bagua can be enhanced to bring extra vitality and support to the corresponding area of your life.

A client of mine discovered that the side of her hundred-year-old house, which happened to be her Wealth corner, was rotten and growing mushrooms.  As her partner was replacing the siding and laying a foundation because there was none to begin with, my clients ex-husband returned her phone call about some financial matters.  After years of saying no, he agreed to pay the back payments he owed her and was willing to create a much larger retirement account for her than she requested. Her ex-husband also agreed to make a loan to her mother, thus taking financial pressure of my client. Sometimes good Feng Shui is as easy as taking good care of your house and cleaning things up!

For Feng Shui advice tailored to your specific situation contact Megan at (831) 588-5424 or megan@windandwaterblessings.com.  Megan Montero is a Feng Shui consultant trained in BTB Feng Shui.  She has been practicing in Santa Cruz since 2007 and offers Feng Shui consultations in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas and by phone. Learn more about Megan’s services at http://www.windandwaterblessings.com and to read more articles on Feng Shui.